Monday, February 8, 2016

Assignment 1.1 Supatra Villegas

The Solar Floating Farm starts off from an idea of an aquaponic system and a solar desalination process. In this diagram, it shows fish that produce waste in the water, which then is pumped passing through a biofilter and then to the plant. During the process, ammonia from fish waste goes through microbes, like Nitrosomonas bacteria that metabolizes the ammonia into Nitrite.  It then goes through Nitrobacter bacteria that turns Nitrite into Nitrate as shown in the Nitrogen cycle.  Nitrate, which is a nutrient to the plant, then travels with water to plant beds, where another input/output is present. Plants absorb Nitrate and water as inputs, absorb the light from the sun and carbon dioxide from the air. Through photosynthesis, it then releases oxygen as an output and filters water back to the fish.

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