Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Nabila: The Mangrove Ecosystem - Food Cycle & Pneumatophores

Aquaponics System Calculator - Ana Cecilia Toledano


Afiul Ahsan Khan - Proposal of a Floating Garden City


Aquaponics System Calculator - Ana Cecilia Toledano


Final - Mid-term & D3 Andreas Theodoridis

Final - Mid-term & D3 Supatra Villegas

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Additional Informations for d3

You can change text in your .html file (in base.css), check out this link:

This section explains how to select items on your scripts (how to select one or multiple items):

Just in case, anyone is still trying to figure out how to do chord, check out Circos:

Work in Progress: Forced Direct Graph In Progress

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Aquaponics Cycle - Bar Chart and Circular Chart - Ana Toledano

This chart shows the relationship between the size of a fish tank and the size of a grow bed that has been presented in the previous assignment's diagram. The two middle values, for 2000L, have a variation in fish density, which translates into a different grow bed size. I used two different charts, a circular chart and a bar chart in conjunction to demonstrate the relationship between the two stages of the aquaponics cycle. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Assignment 2.1 - Supatra Villegas

Wetland Design for 1752 homes, small businesses and 27 mosques

This chart shows two options of the wetland design for 1752 homes, small businesses and 27 mosques. The waste water from the building has two parts - black water and gray water, and the widths of the rows show the amount of water. After the filter steps, the water is clear enough to be emitted to the environment.